Thursday, December 22, 2011

12/22/2011 Thursday


After a day of fatigue and rest, I will tell you about the day yesterday.Adolphus was the first of the Kumeh family to graduate from college. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communication from University of Liberia. He persisted for over 8 years to earn this degree for often after the semester would start, the teachers would lay down their chalk (go on strike because they had not been paid), the semester would end, no credit would be given and the students would have to start the semester over again and pay additional fees. It wasn't fair, but many things in Liberia weren't. However, under the direction of a new Univeristy President, things are beginning to change.The graduating class was over 1200 students. Apparently the June graduating class is well over 3,000.

The day began early as Adolphus remembered that he had to have an all black tie to go with his black suit, white shirt, black shoes, black socks. Of course all this is hidden by the robe, but it was a requirement for graduation. They were to arrive at the soccor stadium to begin formation at 8:00 am. Needless to say, this was Liberian time and even though they didn't leave the house until after 8:30 am, they arrived in plenty of time. Timothy, Koyo (nephew and ward of Adolphus) and son Jeff all went. They didn't want me to go because it would be 8 hours in unprotected sun.

After they left for graduation, Annie (the mother of Adolphus) arrived to be here for the party following graduation. She brought me some Challah, a fried donut, that I dearly love and have not had yet since being in Liberia. She was followed by Nancy, the wife of Dennis (the Physician's Assistant) who is a nephew of Timothy's. Nancy and I get along so very well together and have a great time talking when we see each other. She came to help cook. but while we were waiting to begin, I gave her a computer lesson.

At the same time the graduation group left, daughter Patience and a friend went to the market. They got back home about noon and the cooking began in earnest.While they all fixed fufu and soup, rice, and potato salad, I worked at washing dishes, cleaning the house; sweeping, dusting, finding new homes for objects around, and taking care of the grandchildren. I was exhausted before the party even began. Some of the girls put together the makings of "Liberian Egg Nog".It consists of condensed milk, peanut butter, nutmeg and lots of gin. I think they bought a dozen coke size bottles of gin. They told me it tasted like Bailey's Irish Creame. I put the couple of swallows they gave me in a coffee cup and made coffee to dilute it. While it was very tasty, I chose not to drink anymore for the day.

Adolphus arrived about 3 pm from graduation. After the initial hugs and congratulations by all the family and friends, he was seated in a chair covered with a piece of material indicating that he was the honored guest. His mother was seated on his left, I was seated on is right and Timothy on his far right. The party began with the eating of cola nut dipped in pepper, the prayer to the ancestral spirits and the pouring of cane wine on the thresh hold of the house. Then, welcomes, remarks by family, followed by remarks by Adolphus, followed by remarks by all others. It was a very emotional time for the family because of their pride in what he had accomplished.

The food and beverages were served and then the party began. There was singing and dancing around the table. I joined in as long as my legs would hold up, but it wouldn't be much longer than 10 or 20 minutes. Because I was willing to try, everyone appauded my efforts. It was more fun to watch the different members of the family. One or two began drinking the "egg nog", then Coca-cola,beer, cane juice wine, and back to "egg nog". What was even more interesting were the large hand bags the women were carrying and they would slip coke cans into them periodically as well.

Adolphus shared his graduation medal (much like an Olympic medal) with me by hanging it around my neck. He gave his mother his class graduation ball cap. We took pictures of his son Sawsee wearing his mortarboard, and Koyo going around with his graduation robe and hood telling us he was practicing for his graduation. He is 15 and has a way to go,but would like to be an electrition when he completes school. Many of the family brought gifts including monetary envelopes. He received about $10.00 USD and several undershirts and T-shirts. We were teasing him about the family all knowing he must have needed underwear. He also got his own set of eating bowls with lids.

Long about 7 pm when it began to get dark, Adolphus and his friends moved the party across the street to the nightclub and the rest of the family drifted off to their homes. It wasn't long before we all went to bed, tired but happy for the celebration.

Peace and joy,
Anne and Timothy

PS - I almost forgot to tell you that son Jonathan has a new baby boy child - born Monday night. It is tradition that the elders in the family name the child. Timothy chose to name him after my brother Edwin Jr.
While Timothy never knew my father, he very much admires my brother for his strength, patience and sense of humor. He felt that Edwin would be a wonderful role model for this small child to grow to be. Jonathan and his wife will be able to give a second name. So welcome to the world: Edwin Kumeh.

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