Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

Another interesting day with the Kumeh family.

Jeff had trouble with his tires  on the car and was much later getting here.  The road are so torn up and the rocks so sharp they literally cut through the tires.  It is a constant air and patch to keep the car going.

We took the time to relax, read the paper and tidy up all our stuff for a bit.  I have been knitting a pair of socks for Timothy in our down time or while riding in the car and I finished the first sock today.  At this rate they should be completed by the time we come home.  Good thing I brought along some more yarn for me a pair.  Fortunately I am able to carry them in the plane.

After dealing with the traffic for a time we stopped at a hardware store to purchase a treadle sewing machine.  While we were waithing for Jeff to check it out and pay for it, we witnessed the police taking a PanPan ( a three wheeled vehicle built on a motorcycle frame.  The driver is in the front and there are two bench seats for the passengers to ride.  They are quickly taking the place of taxis.  With their relatively small size they are able to negotiate the traffic with relative ease.  Anyway it took 6 police to take the vehicle and carry to their impound.  We were fortunate we parked back a little in a real parking space so there was no attempt made on us.  Jeff finally returned to the car and told us that we had to go to the warehouse because they did not have them in stock at the store.  So off to locate the warehouse we went.  When we arrived, we were given a temperature check before we were even allowed into the area. After we got parked, Jeff seemed to get the royal runaround so I finally went in with him when they sent him to a second location.  I was warmly welcomed, asked to take a seat and before long the sewing machine magically appeared.  After signing some papers  and being checked out and cleared we were able to leave.  It took us almost 2 hours.

We went directly to Jeff's house and unloaded the machine.  O.Z. had gone to work today so we left it as a surprise for her.  I also gave her half of all the material I had purchased along with the sewing supplies to get her started.  I will be sending her directions and patterns through email to get her hooked on the quilting experience.  She had prepared some casava and rice for us before she went to work this morning.  It was somewhat peppery but not overly so.

We then traveled to the Kumeh clan area and rested on the front porch and took in the breeze.  Several of the children came over and we were telling Sawsee about his given name - Luther Success Kumeh.  He was named after Martin Luther King.  We talked about Martin Luther King and how he worked to avoid segregation along with John F. Kennedy and how they made strides in bringing people together.  They were really interested.  We went on to discuss the American Colonization Society who sent the freed slaves to relocated in Liberia since it was not colonized at that time.
The children had been studying all this in school and it came alive for them.  We told them about the quilts along the Underground Railroad and how there were many places in the area where we live in Indiana that were part of the route to freedom.  Lots of questions followed and history came alive for them.

It was after 6 pm when we left the house to return to the hotel.  We would have loved to stay longer but dusk was falling and the mosquitos would soon be out.  They love my fair skin and I was really not anxious to be exposed to a bite causing malaria.

When we got back to the hotel, handwashing was the order of the day.  I went upstairs to get us a sandwich for supper.  The staff and I were talking about the virus and where we lived in the States.  I was able to get Google maps working on my phone and showed them our house.  It was also possible to located the hotel and our house in Liberia.  Such fun to experience technology in a new and different way.

Supper was a club sandwich with tuna salad, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, fried egg and cheese.  Timothy had a chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato and cheese  as well.  We both had fries and a Sprite.

Showers soon followed, a bit of TV and so it goes.....
Good night, sweet dreams, until tomorrow.
Peace and joy,

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