Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday, March 13, 2020

Good evening.

We are coming to the of another day.

I was awake early, early this morning but managed to go back to sleep.  i just wasn't ready to get up at 4 am.

We piddled around, taking quick showers, and then going up the stairs to breakfast.  Three flights is a lot to climb for this old body.  However, at the end of our stay, I may be in shape.  We shall see.

While we waited for Jeff to arrive we had time to read the local papers.  It seems that Bishop Quire of the United Methodist Church in Monrovia would like to build a complex to house the Conference Office and United Methodist University.  I know there is United Methodist land out on the main highway to town.  He is hoping to raise 34 million dollars and have the project funded and completed in 5 years.  He has challenged each church and each district to do farming to help raise the money for this project.

We arrived at the "Kumeh Compound" to find all the children at home.  Apparently on Friday they have a shortened school day and only attend until noon.    We were dutifully kissed and hugged before they went their separate ways to play.  Some football, some kickball and others just to be with friends.

Princess brought the clothes she had measured us for on Wednesday.  She has been busy sewing since she left.  Timothy and I have matching shirt and dress in a beautiful purple, green, blue geometric print.  Timothy's shirt has design work all stitched on the front.  He looks very handsome.  My dress and suit are lovely.  However, she needed to take it home and make some adjustments.  A little less in the bust and a little more in the hips.  She will return tomorrow with the finished product.  We will look so fine when we attend church on Sunday.

Timothy's nephew came by to spend the afternoon with us.  Dennis works with the Department of Health by overseeing the protecol is followed currectly.  He as been involved in the work with HIV/AIDS and vactionations for children.  He was a physician's assistant before beginning his work with the Health Department.  His big concern was my thoughts on the situation in the United Methodist Church.  Liberia is very traditional and is just not able to understand the inclusive church.
Our different cultures and practices are a very large part of the differences.  In Liberia the gay and lesbian population offer money to the children and prostitute them.  This is the basis for the Liberian understanding of the issue.  No wonder they are so opposed to the concept.  We discussed it from the perspectives of our different culture and practices and began to see what drives the thought of our respective convictions.

Annie was much better today and was able to go outside and take some fresh air.  Justina, the mother of Timothy's other chidlren was at the house today as well.  She was not well with an infection in her tooth.  Ibuprofin today and some antibiotics tomorrow.  The family Dr, has arrived and treating her family.  Dennis and I discussed treatment for the swelling in Annie's feet and came to and agreed upon conclussion for her treatment.  And so it goes.

I had taken the girls 2 cans of corned beef and told them how to prepare it with cabbage.  The soup with rice was lunch today for Timothy, Dennis and I.  I would like to do it again next week and help them cook it so they can share in the feast.  Jeff commented that he knew the smell and it was very sweet to his nose.

The little boys watched as I worked on a sock for Timothy.  When someone would ask what I was making them would look them in the eye and say "Socks" as if there wasn't any question as to what it was.  Of course, it followed soon enough with "Grandma, will you make me some socks?"

The very small ones who are deathly afraid of me no longer continue to run away screaming but still clutch at their respective Mama's legs when around.  It is intersting how the family system works in Liberia.  When a parent goes to work the family remaining care for the little ones until they return.  The children know who their parents are but again everyone is Mommie and Daddy.  The entire family and extended family raise the children.  The same goes for discipline.  Whoever sees something going wrong has the ability to discipline the child.  It works and everyone shares the responsibility.

It was fun to listen to Dennis, Timothy, and another friend  talk, laugh and tell stories of their growing up years and their children.  They also had the opportunity to catch up on the status of the family and the tribe as to births and deaths that have taken place since we left in 2014.

Before long, it was time to say "Goodby" for another day.  We headed back to the hotel.  Along the way we stopped at a street corner and purchased a loaf of bread to eat with honey for our evening treat.  Hot showers to clean off the dust were the order of the day.  Plus a bottle of very cold water.
Heat index today was 95 degrees with a very sunny sky.

Tomorrow is another day and we will carry the foot lockers filled with gifts for the family.  I hope that we will be able to get some family pictures of each of the children so you will have an idea of the size of our clan.

Good night and God bless.

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